
Monday, March 16, 2015

The Walking Dead: Season 5 Episode 14 WDF Review

Episode 14:  Spend

Here we go again and Father Gabriel is being weird.  That's fine, Gabe.  Be weird, but it'll come back to haunt ya.  Weird or mean people don't last long on this show.

The supply run gang is headed out to find replacement parts for the solar grid, and they force Eugene to accompany them since he knows what to look for.  This is not going to go well, and predictably, it doesn't.  Our crew gets in more scrapes and loses more redshirts during supply runs, sheesh.  We say goodbye to Aiden, Alexandrian douchbag #1, after he yet again puts the lives of our crew in peril, proving the point that you can't be mean and last.  Shortly thereafter, Noah bites it (or is bitten, a LOT) in a revolving door à la Independence Day window death right within inches of Glenn's face.  A touch brutal.  The good news is Eugene finally comes through for once to save an injured Tara and draw the walkers away from Glenn, who beats the crap out of Alexandrian Nicholas for trying to drive away without him.

Abraham is accompanying a group at a construction site gathering supplies for expanding Alexandria's wall when things go south with them, too.  Overruling the group's foreman, Abraham kicks some ass and saves the day leading to the foreman (a man whose name no one can remember) to Deanna where he recommends promoting Abraham to lead the construction crew.  Maggie is present in this scene, shadowing Deanna as a member of her "cabinet", which makes her feel a bit like an awkward secretary when you remember this is Maggie.  

Sam is stalking Carol the Cookie Lady who is continuing to be just as ruthless as she's been lately.  She tells him he has to go steal the chocolate if he wants her to make more, and when he does she is uncomfortably cold and stern about him not taking half because he didn't do half the work.  He asks for one of the guns she stole, for "someone else" but won't say more.  She deduces that Pete is abusive toward Jessie and perhaps Sam, and goes to tell Rick all about it.  Welp, we know where this is going.

Lastly of note, Gabriel goes to tattle on Rick's group as "bad people" to Deanna, but what he doesn't know is that Maggie is there eaves dropping.  Do you know what happens to people who hoard food for themselves in the zombie apocalypse, resulting in the deaths of most of your own congregation, and then proclaim others to be evil?  We do.  Or at least we know what should.

If you ever find yourself bored this week, just think about Officer Friendly out canvasing the Alexandrian neighborhood looking for an Owl Statue vandal.  It's a bit of a goofy way for him to have spent the majority of this episode, but there it is.

We are continuing a jammed packed pace, racing in a full sprint toward a finale that's just two episodes away.  The one thing one could be afraid of is that with so much time to be spent in Alexandria that the show could become too much about character development (the words "soap opera" have even been used), but the one thing we're not seeing yet, or even hinted toward, is a soap opera.  So far Season 5 is shaping up to be one of the best seasons yet, even with Officer Friendly on Owl patrol.


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